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sexta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2020

Tv Series as a cultural phenomenon

 Tv Series as a cultural phenomenon

Tv Series have been a cultural phenomenon since the last century because they are due to translate with humor and delightful charm a contemporary theme with each episode. Unlike the soap opera, which each episode leaves mystery for the next chapter, the time in the Tv Series is the present and its focus is the issue discussed by the Society at the instant it was produced. The title of the most popular (or cult) series, when related to the time of its production, confirms that they are the cutout of an instant of a generation. Take, as an example, the evolution of the behavioral theme through three famous tv series produced sequentially: Seinfeld (individuality; 1989–1998), Friends (friendship/relationship; 1994-2004) and recently Modern Family (the contemporary family, 2010 — until now).

August 14, 2020.

sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2020

A small footprint on the Moon

A forgotten world heritage.

I'm going to talk about a place that could be considered a World Heritage site. As you may already know, man landed on the Moon at the southwestern edge of the Sea of Tranquility, on July 20th, 1969.

You have probably heard that this not occurred, but as Armstrong, the astronaut, famously said, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." And, when the man stepped on the moon surface, he left a footprint that the scientists have already affirmed it is still there.

My final point is that the footprint must be preserved as a symbol and as a testimony of the human capacity to go  beyond adversities and barriers we usually face in our lives. Besides, I wish that St. George, during the intervals of his battles with the dragon, He would protect for us this small and ordinary world heritage of our hopeless carved so far from Earth with our foot.